This Shipboard Marine Pollution Emergency Plan – SMPEP (hereafter referred to as the “Plan”) is written in accordance with the requirements of: Regulation 37 of Annex I; and Regulation 17 of Annex II of the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973, as modified by the Pro-tocol of 1978 relating thereto and as modified also by IMO Resolution MEPC.78 (43). Therefore, this Plan is a combination of a SOPE Plan and a SMPE Plan for Noxious Liquid Substances. The purpose of the Plan is to provide guidance to the master and officers on board the ship with respect to the steps to be taken when an oil / Nls and/or noxious liquid substance pollution incident has occurred or is likely to occur. The Plan contains all information and operational instructions required by the relevant IMO‘s Guidelines. The Appendices contain names, telephones, telex numbers, etc., of all contacts referenced in the Plan, as well as other reference material.

SMPEP has the following content: