These Plans and associated procedures have been developed based on the requirements of SOLAS Chapter III, Part B, Regulation 17-1 “Recovery of Persons from the Water” (adopted on 30 November 2012 by Resolution MSC.338(91) and taking into account the “Guidelines For The Development For Plans And Procedures For Recovery Of Persons From The Water” (MSC.1/Circ.1447 - adopted on 14 December 2012 - see Appendix 2).isk assessment with equipment intended to be used onboard, taking into account the anticipated conditions and ship-specific characteristics, were carried out as per Annex 1 to this plan. The Guide to recovery techniques (MSC.1/Circ.1182 - attached herein as Appendix 3) provides a number of examples of how certain types of equipment can be used to recover persons from the water, to be referred for facilitating the procedures.
In addition, following related documents were also considered when developing this document:
1. MSC.1/Circ.1182 “GUIDE TO RECOVERY TECHNIQUES” (Appendix 3 of this Plan).
2. MSC.1/Circ.1185/Rev.1 “GUIDE FOR COLD WATER SURVIVAL” (Appendix 4 of this Plan).

Booklet "Shipboard Plans & Procedures For Recovery of Persons from Water" has the following content: